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Traverse of the Breithorns
Category: Classic 4000 Alpine Routes

A spectacular traverse of ridge that allows you to ride the Breithorn in its entirety in a succession of ups and downs with exciting rock passages.

Half traverse of the Breithorns program
First Day
Departure in the afternoon from Breuil Cervinia and ascent to the Guide del Cervino refuge (3480 m.) with the lifts for dinner and overnight stay.
Second day
Ascent to the Eastern Breithorn and traverse passing from the Central (4160 m.) to the Western (4165 m.). Descent by the normal route of ascent and return to Breuil Cervinia with lifts.
Possibility to do the half traverse in 1 day, the prices remain unchanged.

Complete traverse program from Roccia Nera to the Western Breithorn:
First Day
Departure in the afternoon from Breuil Cervinia and ascent to the Guide del Cervino refuge (3480 m.) With the lifts for dinner and overnight stay.
Second day
Climb to the Roccia Nera (4075 m.) And traverse from the Eastern (4141 m.), to the Central (4160 m.) to finish with the Western (4165 m.). Descent by the normal route of ascent and return to Breuil Cervinia with lifts.

Half traverse :
1 PERSON : 680,00 €
2 PERSONS : 400,00€ each

Complete traverse of the Breithorn : 
1 PERSON : 1050,00 €
2 PERSONS : 600,00 € each



1 or 2 days

From June to September during the period of opening of the lifts.

Excellent athletic training and experience on mixed terrain.


The provision of the guide.

Not included

The cost of the lifts, one's own half-board in the refuge and that of the guide. Possibility to rent technical equipment (ice ax, crampons, harness) at the office.